Hi! Myself Nandhan

  • Programmer
  • Web Developer
  • ML Enthusiast
Resume About Me ↓
Illustration Image Obtained From Storyset Which Depicts Coding

About Me

My Name Is Nandhan Varma.

-> I had completed my Computer Science and Engineering In Institute Of Aeronautical Engineering(IARE)-HYD.

-> Currently Working as a System Engineer (Digital) @ TCS Hyderabad.

-> My Primary Skills Are Python,Java,SQL

-> I Always Strive To Learn New Things.

-> My Major Intrests Are In The Backend Development and Deep Learning Fields.

-> I Had Done Various Projects Based On Deep Learning and Web Development

-> Learnt From Various Instructors And Passed Various Tests To Obtain Certification.

My Motto Is "Learn Develop Excel"


Throughout My Academics I Had Scored 80% And Above Which Shows I Am Enthusiastic Towards My Studies


  • School:

    Vidya Mandir E.M. High School

  • Place:


  • Board:


  • CGPA:


Illustration of school image taken from Storyset
Illustation of High School taken from Storyset

High School

  • College:

    Sri Chaitanya JR College

  • Place:


  • Board:


  • Marks:



  • College:

    Institute Of Aeronautical Engineering

  • Branch:

    Computer Science Engineering

  • Place:

    Dundigal, Hyderabad

  • CGPA:


Illustration of Undergraduate Taken From Storyset

Stats in Various Coding Websites

codechef logo
  • Website:


  • Username:


  • Max Rating:


  • Solved:

    297 Problems

  • Account
codeforces logo
  • Webiste:


  • Username:


  • Max Rating:


  • Solved:

    106 Problems

  • Account
leetcode logo
  • Website:


  • Username:


  • Max Rating:


  • Solved:

    415 Problems

  • Account
hackerrank logo
  • Website:


  • Username:


  • Rank:


  • Score:


  • Account


Number Guess Game

  • A Simple Game Using JS where the user had to guess the number between 1 and 30
  • It has Restart Of Game Also Has The Implementation Of High Score
  • Maximum Chances are 20
  • For Every Wrong Attempt the Score Decrease By 1
  • If the user guess is greater than the secret number it shows "The Guess is High"
  • If the user guess is lower than the secret number it shows "The Guess is Low"
  • If the user guess is correct then the background color changes and high score gets updated if it is a high score than previous high score
Project Code Live

Tech Used

Face Mask Detection

  • A Deep Learning Based Project Which Was Then Integrated With The Web Application
  • Making Use Of Convolutional Neural Networks Where They Obtain Useful Information From The Images For Prediction Purpose.
  • We Trained A Deep Learning Model With Hyperparameters like loss-function,learning rate and added fully connected layers to the existing pre-trained neural network.
  • We Acheived Greater Accuracy In Prediction With MobileNetV2 Model.
  • The Obtained Model Weights Are Then Combined With The Face Detection Model Weights.
  • This Is Then Integrated With The Open CV Where Live Detection Of Person Happens And Warns The Person Who Is Not Wearing The Mask.
  • With The Help Of Flask We Then Implemented Sign In And Sign Up Where We Stored User Mail and Phone Number In A Database.
  • With This Web Application We Are Able To Successfully Send An Alert To The User Registered Mail Id Along With The Image During Capture.
Project Code Live

Tech Used

Prediction Of Respiratory Diseases

  • A Deep Learning Based Project Where Dataset Consist Of 3 Types Of Respiratory Disease X-Ray And Normal Chest X-Ray.
  • With The Obtained Dataset, We Then Trained and Evaluated The Dataset Images With Various Neural Networks.
  • The Image Which Is Uploaded By User Which Is Not In The Dataset.
  • The Deep Learning Model Tries To Predict Which Type Of Respiratory Disease It Is Or The Person Is Not Affected With Any Respiratory Disease
Project Code Live

Tech Used

Technologies Known

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